Do you like to derive Kepler’s 3rd law from the equation of orbital velocity of satellite? If you are interested then there is an appropriate blog post: Kepler’s Third Law
Orbital Velocity of Satellite : derive the equations and find out what are the parameters that influence the orbital velocity. Work with Gravitational force and Centripetal force. Read here: Orbital Velocity of Satellite
GRAVITATIONAL ACCELERATION(g) What is that? How does it vary as height or depth from the surface of the earth changes? And what is its value at the centre of the earth? All these points discussed here: the article/post link below Acceleration due to gravity and its variation with height and depth
1) Physics Numericals Page at physicsteacher BLOG 2) 2 sets of Numericals at physicsteacher BLOG 3) 7 sets of Numericals and Questions at physicsteacher BLOG